Day trip north 7 mi. to Kenai. Visited the historic Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church which dates to 1881. There is an enormous chandelier in the center of church; however, it was not original to the church. It was built in the early 1800s in Irkutsk, Russia, sent to a cathedral in Kodiak; that church burned in 1943 and the chandelier was brought to Kenai. It then survived the 1964 Good Friday earthquake.
Father Thomas at the Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church. It was small. People stand during service. I asked about other historic buildings and pointed across the street. Rev. Thomas said that was a private residence. I let go a big sigh and started a soap-box rant about losing history and the lack of effort to maintain historic status. Rev. Thomas whispers, “That’s my home.” I’m like – “…way to go man! Way to work that into your church contract. Short walk to work! Cheers you!” :-/
KENAI VISITORS CENTER: At the visitors center in Kenai. Red glass candle holder from Russian Orthodox Church established in Kenai in 1791. Priests traveled in bidarkas, accompanied by a song leader and rower.