August 25, 2023 – Greybull, WY – The small town of Greybull, WY has some interesting US Post Office artwork that dates to 1940.

Mural painted by Manuel A. Bromberg, is titled Chuckwagon Serenade. It is an oil on canvas painting that sits over the top of the postmaster’s door.

The artwork is unique because following the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the New Deal, which was designed to stimulate the economy by using federal money to create jobs for unemployed artists.
The colors in the painting are similar to those used in a piece at the US Post office in West Bend, WI titled Rural Mail Carrier by Peter Rotier which has been on display since 1937.
Click HERE to read that article.
Bromberg was from Ottumwa. Iowa and he was commissioned for the piece as a result of the 48th state mural competition of the section of fine arts.

“Whenever men gather in groups after the work of the day is over, songs follows naturally. Here is a group of cowboys sprawl beside, their chuck or food wagon and sing plaintive ballads of the Western plains.”

“The artist states that in this painting he seeks to depict a specific group carrying on a universal action in a manner indigenous to their surroundings.”
The documentation about the painting does not post a date; there is some writing in the lower right corner of the painting that shows the artist’s name and the number 40.

Click HERE to read about other US Post Office artwork.
The painting is inside the Greybull, WY Post Office which, according to the cornerstone, was built in 1937.


“Have I not commanded you? … Be strong and courageous. … Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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