"Bicycling adventures started riding shotgun on a baby-seat bike. Personal freedom grew on a green Schwinn with high-rise handlebars, a tiger-print banana seat and a baseball card clacking the spokes. Exploring the world now on a teal blue, steel Centurian from 1982." The BiKeWriTer

A United States journalist takes her bike and pen to the road

My first bicycling experience was lead pilot on my dad’s famous ‘baby-seat bike.’  An old blue lady’s Schwinn that featured 2 baby seats and later 4. We had adventure. We had excitement. We had a run in with the cops! Today, I have similar adventures and use my cross-country tours to raise money and awareness for music and exercise programs for people with Alzheimer’s. It’s a tribute to my dad and a unique opportunity to see the world and tell stories along the way.
