Behind the scenes | Cross country biking life
I’ve been on the road for 14 days and am pedaling back to Wisconsin from Wichita, Kansas. Most of the time I’m able to cobble
"Bicycling adventures started riding shotgun on a baby-seat bike. Personal freedom grew on a green Schwinn with high-rise handlebars, a tiger-print banana seat and a baseball card clacking the spokes. Exploring the world now on a teal blue, steel Centurian from 1982." The BiKeWriTer
My first bicycling experience was lead pilot on my dad’s famous ‘baby-seat bike.’ An old blue lady’s Schwinn that featured 2 baby seats and later 4. We had adventure. We had excitement. We had a run in with the cops! Today, I have similar adventures and use my cross-country tours to raise money and awareness for music and exercise programs for people with Alzheimer’s. It’s a tribute to my dad and a unique opportunity to see the world and tell stories along the way.
I’ve been on the road for 14 days and am pedaling back to Wisconsin from Wichita, Kansas. Most of the time I’m able to cobble
Dixie stood behind the counter at the corner Delta Grocery in Delta, Iowa. The shop is definitely a throwback to the 1950s and ‘60s with
What kid in the 1970’s didn’t build a ramp to jump their bike like Evel Knievel? We did. Evel was legend. He inspired millions with
It has to be one of the most non-traditional accomplishments a community ever won vs. a big-box store. In Topeka the Kansas State historical