Breakfast at Black Duck Inn, Sackville to Salisbury

Black Duck Inn

Trendy Black Duck Inn in Sackville for breakfast. Colorful mosaic tiles at the door and cozy interior complete with dark hardwood floor and chalkboard menu.
I had the breakfast of champions: scrambled eggs with chives, whole grain toast dripping with butter, a single sliced strawberry and hot, black coffee.

(Photo, right) Street-side painting along Route 106 in Dorchester. 
Lloyd and Blair were solving the world’s problems sitting in a garage in Dorchester watching traffic go by. “Am I going to be on TV?” asked Blair when I stopped to take their picture. “I always wanted to be a Hollywood star,” he said mentioning Tom Selleck.
The further north I go in New Brunswick the more French I hear.
Man stopped me on the boardwalk in Moncton and asked me if I was a tourist. Isaid, “No, I just like to drive around town with about 60 pounds of gear on my bike.” 
Just kidding… I was polite, but I thought it was a dumb question. The guy hadbeen parked by the water. “There’s supposed to be a big 4-foot wave of mud come rolling though here when the tide comes in,” he said.
I waited a couple minutes with him but shoved along thinking I could be there all day and I had things to do and people to meet.

I love biking. That is all.

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