Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s 2021 hitting the air, and the road, today

July 27, 2021 – Milwaukee, WI – Today, the first day of The Amazing Ride For Alzheimer’s 2021, Judy Steffes will be traveling to Shreveport, Louisiana to kick off the bicycling fundraiser in tribute to her dad, Al Steffes (photo below), who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.


Steffes is currently at Mitchell International Airport waiting to board her flight for Shreveport and says, “I hear it’s a little warmer there. My tour plan this year is to chase the history of Bonnie and Clyde and then pedal home from Lousiana.”

Steffes rides each year to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s and as well as funds for programs in the local area for those who suffer from the disease. 100% of the proceeds of the bike tour will be given this year to Cedar Community to support their music program.

“Follow along with me and enjoy the adventure,” said Steffes.

Checks should be made payable to “Cedar Community Philanthropy” with “Judy Bike Tour” in the memo and sent to 113 Cedar Ridge Dr., West Bend, WI 53095

You can also donate online by clicking HERE.

Cedar Community is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible.


  1. July 27, 2021


    Have a safe bike trip.

    your dad would be proud.

    Is this a solo trip or do others join you on your quest of biking.

    Mary Spaeth

  2. Beautiful Soul ..May GOD Continue to Bless you on your Journey and may you Fulfill all that you are Going after. GOD BLESS YOU Ma’am.

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