Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s | Pushing on…. alone

July 3, 2018 – Escanaba, MI – So everyone is fine …. but I just wanted to say I will be moving on with the tour alone. Audrey took a spill after crossing some railroad tracks Tuesday morning. We were still in Escanaba and plenty of people stopped to help.

Thanks to Debbie for giving Audrey a ride, to Scott for hauling her bike and to the Honda Cycle City dealership in Escanaba for letting us use some office space to rest and get our bearings.

It was a scary moment; she was wearing a helmet when she took the spill but her parents thought it best to wrap it up and bring her home.

Six days on a bike from Milwaukee to Escanaba, MI is a pretty valiant summer tour for a 15-year-old.

It is going to be very different moving on without her as Audrey really pushed my biking skills to the next level and she helped me grow as a person.

She taught me to take life a little less seriously. She liked to laugh when people pointed at our bikes and wondered, “What the heck are those people thinking…. and in this heat!”

Audrey made me appreciate a good dip in the water after a hot day on the bike and if there’s a bouncy thing next door… just slip over quick and give it a try; just once.

Overall I consider the spill a blessing in disguise. The traffic, especially around a July 4 holiday, is crazy and falling off a bike is better than getting hit by a vehicle.

Thanks to everyone for their support. I’ll be spending the day in Escanaba and heading out early Wednesday morning.

Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is raising money this year for a rickshaw for seniors at The Samaritan Campus, a 501c3, so all donations are tax deductible.



Thanks to the sponsors below for supporting this year’s tour including: Elm Grove Woman’s Club, Gruber Tool and Die, Horicon Bank, Alliance Services, American Commercial Real Estate, The Sign Shop and Pizza Ranch




Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is raising money this year for a rickshaw for seniors at The Samaritan Campus, a 501c3, so all donations are tax deductible.


1 comment

  1. Although I am glad Audrey did not get hurt, it will be sad to see her leave the tour.
    It was neat to hear how the two of you interacted and how she pushed her Aunt along the trail.
    Be safe out there!!

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