West Bend, WI – The West Bend Fire Department has just requested (7/23) MABAS BOX 15-2-2 to FIRST ALARM LEVEL for a working structure fire at 3149 Norman Drive in the Town of Barton.
Below is an audio interview with Vicki Hopp and Jeff Dreher. They are neighbors to the house that exploded on Norman Drive. Hopp said the explosion was due to a gas dryer. Three people were in the home at the time. Jeff Dreher helped pull them out. The victims were severely burned. There is no water resource/fire hydrants so tankers are bring water.
Eye witnesses:
Agencies responding to the request are from:
Jackson Fire Department
Allenton Volunteer Fire Department
Newburg Fire Department
Germantown Wisconsin Fire Department
Kewaskum Fire Department
Kohlsville Fire Department
Slinger Fire Department
Boltonville Fire Department
Fillmore Fire Department

More details will be posted when information becomes available.