Grins and Grease

Stopping for 10:30 a.m. mass at S. Giovanni Battista just outside of Camogli. Very ornate church with ceilings that look like they’re painted in gold leaf.

Two gray-haired ladies sit up front as others filter in or pray by the statue of the Vergine gloriosa Mary.

The “Aleannas”

Two girls, both named Aleanna, sell sweets for scouts outside the front of the church. They hold their hand to cover their mouths and giggle as I talk. Finally, they’re able to say “in 30 minutes” when I ask for the time of the next mass service.


Some of the sights overlooking the sea as I pedal this morning. Brilliant flowers!

I stop to help a biker who jammed his gears on an incline. He’s locked tight as his back derailleur has caught up in his spokes. At least we’re in the shade as we work to free the wheel. I manage to learn his name is Antonio. Although our goal is the same, we share little more than some grins of frustration at the situation and a little chain grease.

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