Saturday – Arrival in Orlando. Feeling “antsy.”

No chance to jump in the shot – I was busy putting out fire ants.

After 5 hours of delays, finally made it to Orlando,FL at 12:58 Friday night. Wait… make it 1:58 a.m. – – time change. Built a table fort in the corner of baggage claim and slept with a symphony orchestra – volume at level 8. Every 10 minutes there were friendly updates: ‘In accordance with Orlando law there is no smoking in the airport.’ There were also warning about the dangers of unattended luggage.
Got going around 5:40 a.m. Consulted with Murrell, a nice-looking TSA, with regard to directions. Murrell seemed locked on me jumping on a bus. When he left I jumped to Sidney. He was more reasonable. He shot me north out of Orlando International, over to Hwy 436, then 528 and onto Sand Lake Road and up 435 to Apopka.
Sidney also advised I leave on the second level, because if I went to the first they’d charge me to exit. 
Welcome to Disney.
Took a quick photo in the wet grass at the entrance to the aiport. 
Welcome to Orlando. 
I kept my eye peeled for alligators, although I should have been more concerned about the fire ants. Dang, they’re fast…
Hwy 528 turned into a four-lane toll road, so I heaved the bike anvil over a 3-foot cement median and got on a frontage road. The Jamacian clerk at a car rental business across the road was watching the show.
I told him it only took me three elephant-heaves to get it over the wall. I clarified my directions while knocking down those nasty fire ants. The clerk caught on right away and every time I pinched one he’d say, “Fire ant, huh?”
We were on the same page.
No wind, very humid, overcast but no rain … yet.

1 comment

  1. That TSA guy in my uncle!!!!! I can't wait to see more pictures of your trip, I'm going to follow all the way!!!

    P.S be safe!!!!

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